The qualification concept of the RTG enhances scientific excellence in the interdisciplinary field of cooperative (de-)centralized traffic management. For better realization, the RTG offers a structured Ph.D. program with intensive and professional support of two supervisors and individually adapted courses with specialized and general topics. An essential element of the qualification concept is a specific program of study including:
• specialized and general trainings
• simulation laboratory
• lecture series
• tutorials
• summer schools
The supervisors and the Ph.D. candidates choose appropriate courses from the entire program in the scope of at least 180 hours workload (12 ECTS points). The chosen courses are obligatory or optional in character and are specified and updated in the individual supervision agreement of every Ph.D. candidate. The entire study program focuses the interdisciplinary exchange of specialist and methodical knowledge. Therefore a special form of lecture is introduced: Simulation laboratories. Simulation Labs increase the cooperation within the RTG and are a unique and characteristic element in the study program of the RTG.