Current news

I bet you feel safe!

The article 'I bet you feel safe! assessing cyclists' subjective safety by objective scores' was recently successfully published in the Journal of Urban Mobility as part of the interdisciplinary collaboration conducted in the Research Training Group.


Congratulations to the authors Stefan Fuest, Mariana Batista, Frauke Luise Berghoefer, Morten Flesser, Bhagya Shrithi Grandhi, Felix Spühler, Monika Sester and Mark Vollrath.


The article is open access available at the following link.

"SocialCars" - a decade of research for sustainable traffic management

After almost ten years of research within three different cohorts, the funding of the DFG Research Training Group "Social Cars" will end this year. To say thank you for the successful collaboration, to honor the achievements with all participants and to enable a dialogue between the generations of PhD students, the Research Training Group invited to a "Research and Networking Event" in March.


It was a proud review that the cooperating PIs could give - among them Prof. Bernhard Friedrich, Prof. Dirk Mattfeld and Prof. Mark Vollrath from TU Braunschweig, Prof. Markus Fidler and Prof. Monika Sester from Leibniz Universität Hannover as well as Prof. Jörg P. Müller from TU Clausthal.


Not only have countless ideas been realized, topics explored, papers published, and doctorates completed that shape the field of cooperative (de)centralized traffic management and contribute to the improvement of the urban sustainability of future road traffic. The atmosphere of the event highlighted that the shared enthusiasm for research, the open dialogue as well as the dedicated coordination and intensive support of the young scientists have led to the emergence of a valuable community.

Thanks, to all participants!

Presentation on "Cognitive issues in geographic information visualization and the relation between maps and emotions" by Amy Griffin


Dr. Amy Griffin vom Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Melbourne (Australien) hält im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung des Graduiertenkollegs einen Vortrag zum Thema "Cognitive issues in geographic information visualization and the relation between maps and emotions"

Location: 09.11.22 | 10 Uhr | IKG, Appelstr. 9a Hannover

9th Retreat SocialCars

From October 06 to October 07, 2022 the ninth retreat of SocialCars took place in Kloster Drübeck.



Lecture by Allister Loder on "How many cars are too many? - A primer"


Dr. sc. ETH Allister Loder (Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control at Technical University Munich) will give a lecture on "How many cars are too many? – A primer" within our lecture series.


Human mobility is bounded by physics: the available capacity of the transportation infrastructure defines the maximum vehicle throughput of a road-based transportation system, yet many times systems are operated “beyond” this point resulting in congestion. While the car leads to much higher levels of accessibility than public transport, congestion and other negative external costs make it clear that the car cannot and should not be used beyond limits. The resulting research question is consequently how many cars are too many? The macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD) has gained popularity recently as a novel tool to understand and model multimodal traffic for entire networks, allowing a fresh new perspective on this research question. In his talk, Allister Loder will present the concept of the MFD as well as how it can be used in traffic modelling and policy advisory.


Location: 14.07.22 | 4 pm | NFF, VW 2

Retreat at the NFF


On 2 June, an additional retreat in person was held at the NFF in Braunschweig. Lectures, posters and intensive scientific discussions characterised the day.



Lecture by Jan Fabian Ehmke on 20.01.2022

Prof. Dr. Jan Fabian Ehmke (University of Vienna) will give a public lecture about "Complex Traveler Preferences in Multi-Modal Routing" within our lecture series on 20.01.2022 16:00:

Under the umbrella of mobility as a service, travelers can easily find the cheapest or quickest travel itinerary with mobility-as-a-service platforms. However, travelers often have more complex preferences, e.g., the combinations of multiple requirements such as reliability, price, and walking time. For these, the functionality of current platforms is quite limited, which is due to the complexity of data processing and search algorithms.

In this talk, the current functionality of mobility-as-a-service platforms is presented, and novel approaches at route finding with complex and multiple traveler preferences are introduced. Computational complexity, as well as the usefulness for travelers, are also discussed based on two case studies with real transportation service data.

The talk can be attended using BigBlueButton.


8th retreat SocialCars

From October 6 to October 7, 2021 the eighth retreat of SocialCars took place at BSW Hotel Festenburg.

New Doctoral Candidate with SocialCars

We are pleased to welcome Muzammil Rizvi as doctoral candidate to the team of SocialCars. He has been awarded a scholarship by the DAAD Graduate School Scholarship Programme and will receive funding for a period of four years.

Best Paper Award for Vinu Kamalasanan

Our member Vinu Kamalasanan, together with SocialCars alumni Frederik Schewe, received the Best Paper Award at the HCI International 2021 Conference in the category "Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality". Congratulations!